Seriously Slime After Shark Tank

5 min read Jun 27, 2024
Seriously Slime After Shark Tank

Seriously Slime After Shark Tank: The Unlikely Success Story

If you're familiar with the popular TV show Shark Tank, you might remember the episode where a young entrepreneur named Julia Kaufmann pitched her unusual business idea: a line of homemade slime products called Seriously Slime. The idea seemed quirky and maybe even a little weird, but Julia's determination and enthusiasm won over the Sharks, and she landed a deal with investor Lori Greiner.

Before Shark Tank

Before appearing on Shark Tank, Julia was just a teenager with a passion for making slime. She started selling her creations online and at local craft fairs, but she struggled to make a profit. Despite the setbacks, Julia was determined to turn her hobby into a successful business. She applied to be on Shark Tank, hoping to get the exposure and investment she needed to take Seriously Slime to the next level.

The Pitch

Julia's Shark Tank pitch was memorable for its uniqueness. She presented her slime products, which came in a variety of colors and textures, and demonstrated their stretchy, gooey properties. The Sharks were intrigued, but also skeptical - after all, who would pay money for a pot of slime? Julia's confidence and charisma won them over, though, and Lori Greiner agreed to invest $12,000 in exchange for 25% equity.

After Shark Tank

The Shark Tank effect is a powerful thing, and Seriously Slime saw a surge in sales and attention after the episode aired. Julia's website crashed due to the high volume of traffic, and she struggled to keep up with demand. With Lori's guidance and support, Julia was able to scale her business and expand her product line. She started selling her slime products in major retailers like Walmart and Target, and even landed a deal with a popular toy company.


Fast-forward a few years, and Seriously Slime is a household name. Julia's business has grown exponentially, and she's become a role model for young entrepreneurs everywhere. She's spoken at conferences and events, sharing her story and inspiring others to take risks and pursue their passions.

Lessons Learned

So what can we learn from Julia's journey with Seriously Slime? Here are a few key takeaways:

  • Follow your passion, even if it's unconventional or weird. Julia's love for slime led her to create a successful business.
  • Be open to opportunities, even if they seem scary or uncertain. Julia took a risk by applying to Shark Tank, and it paid off in a big way.
  • Find a mentor or investor who believes in you and your business. Lori Greiner's guidance and support were instrumental in Seriously Slime's success.
  • Be prepared to work hard and adapt to challenges. Julia faced many obstacles along the way, but she persevered and found ways to overcome them.


Seriously Slime is a testament to the power of innovation, determination, and hard work. Julia Kaufmann's unlikely success story is an inspiration to anyone who's ever dreamed of turning their passion into a profitable business. Who knows - maybe one day we'll see a Seriously Slime empire, with Julia as its slime-making queen!

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