Painstakingly Crossword Clue

5 min read Jun 22, 2024
Painstakingly Crossword Clue

Painstakingly Crossword Clue: Unraveling the Answer

Are you stuck on a crossword puzzle and can't seem to figure out the answer to the clue "painstakingly"? Don't worry, we've got you covered! In this article, we'll delve into the possible answers to this pesky clue and provide you with some hints to help you solve it.

What does "painstakingly" mean?

Before we dive into the possible answers, let's take a closer look at what "painstakingly" actually means. According to the dictionary, "painstakingly" is an adverb that means "with great care and attention to detail" or "in a thorough and meticulous manner". It's a word that describes an action that requires a lot of effort, time, and dedication to achieve perfection.

Possible answers to the crossword clue

Based on our research, here are some possible answers to the crossword clue "painstakingly":

1. -With care

This is one of the most common answers to the crossword clue "painstakingly". It's a simple yet straightforward answer that fits well with the definition of the word.

2. Meticulously

This answer is a bit more specific and descriptive than the first one. It emphasizes the attention to detail and thoroughness required to complete a task painstakingly.

3. Assiduously

This answer is a bit more obscure than the first two, but it still fits well with the definition of "painstakingly". Assiduously means "with constant and careful attention" or "in a diligent and attentive manner".

4. Fastidiously

Fastidiously is another word that means "with great care and attention to detail". It's a bit more formal than the other answers, but it's still a valid solution to the crossword clue.

Tips and hints to help you solve the crossword

If you're still stuck on the crossword puzzle, here are some tips and hints to help you solve it:

  • Read the clue carefully: Make sure you understand what the clue is asking for. Pay attention to the word length and any hints or patterns in the surrounding words.
  • Think about synonyms: If you're stuck on a particular word, try thinking about synonyms or related words that might fit the clue.
  • Use word lists and dictionaries: Don't be afraid to consult a dictionary or word list to find possible answers to the clue.
  • Work backwards: If you're having trouble finding the answer, try working backwards from the surrounding words to see if you can figure out the answer.


Solving a crossword puzzle can be a challenging but rewarding task. With a little patience and persistence, you should be able to figure out the answer to the clue "painstakingly". Remember to take your time, read the clue carefully, and think about synonyms and related words. Good luck, and happy puzzle-solving!

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