How Much Do Kidz Bop Kids Make

5 min read Jun 24, 2024
How Much Do Kidz Bop Kids Make

How Much Do Kidz Bop Kids Make?

The Rise of Kidz Bop

Kidz Bop is a music brand that has taken the world by storm, featuring a group of talented young singers performing kid-friendly versions of popular songs. The concept was created in 2001 by Cliff Chenfeld and Craig Balsam, and since then, it has become a global phenomenon, with multiple albums, tours, and even a TV show.

The Kidz Bop Kids

So, who are the Kidz Bop Kids? They are a group of young talented singers, typically between the ages of 9 and 15, who are selected to perform and record with the brand. The kids come from all over the United States and are chosen through a rigorous auditioning process. Once selected, they become part of the Kidz Bop Kidz Bop Kids, performing and recording songs, music videos, and even going on tour.

How Much Do Kidz Bop Kids Make?

The question on everyone's mind is, how much do these talented young performers make? While the exact figures are not publicly disclosed, we can make some educated estimates based on industry standards and reports.

** Album Sales and Royalties **

Kidz Bop albums are incredibly popular, with many of them reaching platinum status. Let's assume that each album sells around 500,000 copies (a conservative estimate). With an average royalty rate of 10% to 15% per album sale, the Kidz Bop Kids can earn around $25,000 to $37,500 per album. Considering they release multiple albums per year, their total earnings from album sales can range from $100,000 to $225,000 annually.

** Touring and Live Performances **

The Kidz Bop Kids also go on tour, performing at various venues across the United States and even internationally. Industry reports suggest that Kidz Bop tours can gross around $10 million to $20 million per year. Assuming the kids receive a percentage of the revenue, let's estimate they earn around 10% to 20% of the total gross, which would be $1 million to $4 million per year.

** Merchandise and Endorsements **

Kidz Bop Kids also earn money from merchandise sales, such as T-shirts, toys, and other products. Additionally, they may receive endorsement deals with brands, further increasing their earnings. While the exact figures are unknown, it's safe to assume they earn an additional $100,000 to $500,000 per year from these sources.

** Total Earnings **

Based on these estimates, the total earnings of a Kidz Bop Kid can range from $225,000 to $675,000 per year. However, it's essential to note that these figures are likely to vary depending on individual circumstances, such as the number of albums sold, tour revenue, and merchandise sales.


Becoming a Kidz Bop Kid is a dream come true for many young aspiring singers. While the exact figures are unknown, it's clear that these talented young performers earn a significant amount of money from album sales, touring, merchandise, and endorsements. With their hard work and dedication, they deserve every penny of their earnings!