How Does Beli Make Money

4 min read Jun 26, 2024
How Does Beli Make Money

How Does Beli Make Money?

Beli, a popular e-commerce platform in Indonesia, has revolutionized the way people shop online. With its user-friendly interface and vast product offerings, Beli has become a household name in the country. But have you ever wondered how Beli makes money?

Commission-Based Model

Beli operates on a commission-based model, where it earns a percentage of the sale price of every product sold on its platform. When a seller lists a product on Beli, they agree to pay a commission fee, which typically ranges between 5% to 20% of the sale price, depending on the product category and seller type.

For instance, if a seller sells a product for IDR 100,000, and the commission fee is 10%, Beli would earn IDR 10,000 as commission. This commission fee is deducted from the sale price, and the remaining amount is transferred to the seller's account.

Advertising Revenue

Beli also generates revenue through advertising. The platform offers various advertising options, such as sponsored listings, display ads, and product recommendations, which allow brands to reach their target audience.

Brands pay Beli to display their ads on the platform, and Beli earns revenue based on the number of clicks, impressions, or conversions generated by these ads. This revenue stream is significant, as it allows Beli to monetize its vast user base and offer targeted advertising opportunities to brands.

Logistics and Shipping

Beli also offers logistics and shipping services to its sellers, which provides an additional revenue stream. Sellers can opt for Beli's logistics services, which include warehousing, packaging, and shipping, for a fee.

Beli partners with logistics providers to offer competitive shipping rates, and it earns a margin on these services. This revenue stream is critical, as it helps Beli to maintain its logistics infrastructure and offer reliable shipping services to its users.

Data Analytics and Insights

Beli collects vast amounts of data on consumer behavior, purchasing patterns, and product preferences. It uses this data to offer insights and analytics to brands, which helps them to optimize their marketing strategies and product offerings.

Beli sells these insights and analytics to brands, which provides an additional revenue stream. This revenue stream is growing, as brands increasingly rely on data-driven marketing strategies to reach their target audience.


In conclusion, Beli makes money through a combination of commission-based sales, advertising revenue, logistics and shipping services, and data analytics and insights. By diversifying its revenue streams, Beli has established itself as a sustainable and profitable e-commerce platform in Indonesia.