Frank Turek Net Worth

5 min read Jun 28, 2024
Frank Turek Net Worth

Frank Turek Net Worth: A Closer Look at the American Apologist's Wealth

Frank Turek is a well-known American Christian apologist, author, and speaker who has made a significant impact in the world of Christian apologetics. With a career spanning over three decades, Turek has written several bestselling books, spoken at numerous conferences, and hosted a popular radio show. But have you ever wondered about Frank Turek's net worth? In this article, we'll delve into his wealth and explore the sources of his income.

Early Life and Career

Frank Turek was born on September 24, 1956, in Chicago, Illinois. He grew up in a Catholic family and attended Valley Forge Military Academy. After completing his undergraduate degree in philosophy from the University of Pittsburgh, Turek went on to earn his master's degree in apologetics from Southern Evangelical Seminary.

Turek's career in apologetics began in the 1980s, when he worked as a researcher and writer for Dr. Norman Geisler, a prominent Christian philosopher and apologist. In the 1990s, Turek co-authored several books with Geisler, including Legislating Morality: Is It Wise? Is It Legal? Is It Possible? and I Don't Have Enough Faith to Be an Atheist.

Sources of Income

So, where does Frank Turek's wealth come from? Here are some of the primary sources of his income:

Book Sales

Turek has written several bestselling books, including Stealing from God: Why Atheists Need God to Make Their Case and Correct, Not Politically Correct: How Same-Sex Marriage Hurts Everyone. His books have been widely acclaimed and have contributed significantly to his net worth.

Speaking Engagements

As a sought-after speaker, Turek has spoken at numerous conferences, colleges, and universities across the United States and abroad. He commands a significant fee for his speaking engagements, which adds to his income.

Radio Show

Turek hosts a popular radio show called CrossExamined, which airs on over 100 stations across the United States. The show generates revenue through advertising and sponsorships.

Donations and Support

As a non-profit organization, CrossExamined Ministry relies on donations and support from individuals and organizations. Turek's ministry receives financial support from benefactors who appreciate his work in apologetics.

Net Worth Estimate

Estimating Frank Turek's net worth is challenging, as the exact figure is not publicly disclosed. However, based on his book sales, speaking engagements, radio show, and donations, we can make an educated estimate.

Frank Turek's net worth is estimated to be around $5 million to $10 million. This estimate takes into account his successful career in apologetics, his bestselling books, and his popular radio show.


Frank Turek's net worth is a reflection of his dedication and hard work in the field of Christian apologetics. With a successful career spanning over three decades, Turek has built a reputation as a leading apologist and author. His income sources, including book sales, speaking engagements, and donations, have contributed to his impressive net worth. As a prominent figure in Christian apologetics, Frank Turek continues to inspire and educate millions of people around the world.