Abraham Hicks Net Worth

4 min read Jun 27, 2024
Abraham Hicks Net Worth

Abraham Hicks Net Worth: Unlocking the Secrets of Prosperity

Who is Abraham Hicks?

Abraham Hicks is a spiritual teacher, author, and speaker who has gained popularity for her teachings on the law of attraction, manifestation, and prosperity. Esther Hicks, her real name, is an American author and speaker who claims to channel a group of non-physical entities called "Abraham." Abraham is said to be a collective consciousness of beings who offer guidance and wisdom on various aspects of life, including finances, relationships, and personal growth.

Early Life and Career

Esther Hicks was born on March 5, 1948, in Texas, USA. She grew up in a family that valued spirituality and the supernatural. She claims to have started channeling Abraham in the 1980s, initially sharing her experiences with friends and family. As her reputation grew, Hicks began speaking publicly and writing books about her experiences with Abraham.

Net Worth

Abraham Hicks' net worth is estimated to be around $10 million. Her primary sources of income are:

Book Sales

Hicks has written several bestselling books, including "A New Beginning I" and "A New Beginning II," which have sold millions of copies worldwide.

Speaking Engagements

Hicks has spoken at numerous conferences, seminars, and workshops, commanding high fees for her appearances.

Online Courses and Products

Hicks offers various online courses, audio recordings, and other digital products, generating revenue through sales and subscriptions.

Tours and Events

Hicks organizes and participates in spiritual retreats, cruises, and other events, which attract thousands of followers worldwide.

Philosophy and Teachings

Abraham Hicks' teachings focus on the law of attraction, manifestation, and the power of positive thinking. Some key principles include:

The Law of Attraction

Like attracts like; our thoughts and emotions attract similar energies and experiences.

The Art of Allowing

Letting go of resistance and embracing what is, allowing abundance and joy to flow into our lives.

The Power of Vibration

Our thoughts and emotions create vibrational frequencies, attracting similar energies and experiences.

Criticisms and Controversies

Abraham Hicks has faced criticism for various reasons, including:

Lack of Scientific Evidence

Critics argue that Hicks' teachings lack scientific evidence and are based on unproven spiritual concepts.

Commercialization of Spirituality

Some critics accuse Hicks of profiteering from her spiritual teachings, charging high fees for events and products.

Cults and Mind Control

A few critics have accused Hicks of leading a cult-like following, using mind control techniques to influence her followers.


Abraham Hicks' net worth is a testament to the popularity and influence of her teachings. While she has faced criticism and controversy, her message of hope, prosperity, and personal growth continues to resonate with millions worldwide.